Through the year’s woman have been perceived as obsolete. Things have changed now, such so that women have the opportunity to do all the things that men can do. However, from my experience I think that old perspective still dwells in some aspects of our society today. The abilities of women to perform activities mainly dominated by males are still being underestimated. For example, when I joined martial arts, many of the students, mainly men did not take me serious because I seemed fragile and a little too naïve to participate in a sport that required “strength”. Many times I would hear them whisper that “I would not last long”, and that class “was not being challenged because of my inability to compete at the same level” or at least that is what they thought. Those comments lingered inside me and made me eager to prove to myself that I was capable of performing equally. Therefore, the next time I came to class, I was doing pushups even though I struggled, but as time progressed, I not only got better I was able to train at the same paste with them. I was constantly humiliated during our weekly routine of fighting, because I was always put to fight younger and smaller boys then I; which made me feel disappointed because I worked so hard and yet I was being underestimated. This angered me to the point that I finally found courage to pull my instructor aside and tell him that I felt excluded, and that I deserved a chance to fight someone at my same rank, regardless of their physical strength. I was granted my request and although I was not victorious. I was very satisfied that I was given the chance to prove to myself and others that my hard work was not in vain. Most importantly that physical strength is overridden by mental strength because it is with hard work, determination and perseverings that one reaches our most desired goals. Therefore woman are open to limitless opportunities.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
youth memories
Growing up my favorite cartoons was called Candy Candy, the story was about this girl named candy who was an orphan. Early in the story she gets adopted by a rich family that sends her to boarding school. Throughout the story line she goes through tragic a event that changes her life drastically.
I watch the cartoons a long time ago; yet I never realized that they showed forms of discrimination against women. For example the main character Candy she wanted to become a doctor after the love of her life disappears, however she was not allowed by the school instead they put her in the school of nursing which was appropriate for “young ladies” to study. For many years nursing has been considered a women’s job such so that some man today say the expression “yes I’m a male nurse” with some embarrassment when asked what they do for a living.
miscellaneous " woman know your place"
This picture I feel shows how a woman is not just being shown as less than a man, But also is punished by a man. As if the woman cannot do as she would please without the consequence of a man’s reaction. There should be equality but instead the man is considered the higher authority to the point where if the woman steps out of line she is going to be punished. The woman in this picture I would say looks almost apologetic. The partial fear expressed on her face and the disappointment on his face shows this is not the first time. This at one point was ok. Looking at how a man could be accustomed to hitting a woman, an adult woman at that is more than degrading. If this is ok to do, then tell me this. Who then disciplines a man when he is out of line? When is it ok for a man to be punished? Or is it that a woman is considered so much less that the role in reverse is unthinkable? This picture also represents to me that the woman is not only less but is treated like a child. The husband is not just a husband but takes on the role of a father to his wife. This is sexist, degrading, disrespectful, and disappointing.
miscellaneous " men Bar"
In this picture you can clearly see that in this bar they do not provide service to men if they do not wear a shirt, on the other hand women receive free drinks. Although this idea sounds like a good deal to, many women. They do not realize that this is a way of disrespect to the dignity of women hood. This sign is completely disrespectful, because the bar owners use women and their body’s to attract more customers to their bar, in other words they use them as bate.
Early feminist fought to give women the freedom and equality that man had. However I believe that in the process of gaining freedom women forgot the value of self respect. What I mean about this, is that some women confused freedom with immorality, which lowered the strength we had gained as free, smart, independent women. giving the opportunity for sexist comments, and the allowance of vulgar actions that display women as sex toys.
miscellaneous "Discrimination on the work force"
Discrimination on the work force
Six female workers are representing thousands of women by suing Wal-Mart. Claiming that the salary for male employees is higher than female wages. They also claim that men have a better chance to get promotions even though the amount of work effort for both male and female candidates is the same.
A few years ago I had to write an essay about the equality of man and women in the work place. Because men are perceived as the “head of the house hold” employers feel like man deserve a higher salary. However this is completely unfair man and women should have the same salary because both women and man put effort to their jobs equally. I believe that women and man should have the same starting salary and if one person excels in their job they should be rewarded fairly.
miscellaneous the story Lysistrata
The story of Lysistra
Lysistrata was an Athenian comedy written by Aristophanes during the Peloponnesian war. In the play women take a stand and go on a sex strike to convince their husbands to abandon the war forcing important leaders to retrieve. As an act Lysistrata and her followers lock themselves in a house where they could be away from their lovers and deprive them from sexual activity.
While reading this story I was very shocked because men took women as joke. I could picture Aristophanes and his actors discussing, and saying “it would be a funny story if we make it seem as women take over the city and implement there only right.” Which was the right of consented sex, this to them was funny because women taking control over the city and mandating man what to do was “ridiculous.” Reading this story made me wonder how women who watched the play felt during that time.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
What are little boys made of? (connection)
Michael Kimmel talks about the supposed Virtual war against boys in America mentioned by many best sellers. They advised the public to rescue them from increasingly behavior and emotional problems that are affecting boys.
According to Kimmel the answer to why this happens depends on the person whom you ask, because each author has their won consumption for the cause of the problem, for example, some argue that boys have been forgotten; because America has focused on girls and their problems. Some blame patterns of male development. Others believe that feminism could be the solution to the problem.
Kimmel does not disagree that there is a crisis, but he disagrees in the way many approach or give advice of the causes and their remedies, for example Michael Gurian a therapist who suggest that boys are going worst. Thanks to Feminists efforts e argues that ever since feminist began to change rules boys have been seen as the problem. He argues that our education system forces boys to “conform to a regime of obedience. With testosterone surging through their little limbs, boys are commended to sit still, raise their hands, and take naps “This quote from Gurian clearly suggests that boys shouldn’t have to obey or be respectful or listen to commands from elders (teachers) or be polite or simply take a nap. Because they are boys and since they are surging with testosterone these are not actions that men should follow. He also says that by doing all this we are not allowing boys to be boys.
After reading this article I understood the different point of views. Some were completely ridiculous; I could not believe that Gurian being a therapist, a licensees therapist to give advice to people who have emotional problems express himself in such an ignorant way. Saying things like its nature, not nature that propels boys toward obnoxious behavior, violence, and sadistic experiments. I felt as if he were trying to put a barrier between boys and girls. In other words saying that, what is good for one gender is bad for the other. This article can have a connection to Audre Laurde and privilege power and different Audre Laurde talks about that in order to change we cannot ignore the different sides, in this article what Audre Laurde says applies because in order to help boys and girls we have to see the issues and not treat them like they are the same thing.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
talking point 10
Human Trafficking is a crime against humanity. It’s an act of taking a person through the use of force, for the purpose of exploiting them sexually and labor. Every year, men, women and children are kidnapped and fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Every country in the world is affected by human trafficking no country escapes from this nightmare.
- The average cost of a slave around the world is $90.
- Trafficking primarily involves exploitation which comes in many forms, including:
- Forcing victims into prostitution
- Subjecting victims to slavery or involuntary servitude
- Compelling victims to commit sex acts for the purpose of creating pornography
- Misleading victims into debt bondage
- According to some estimates, approximately 80% of trafficking involves sexual exploitation, and 19% involves labor exploitation.
- It is estimated that there are approximately 27 million slaves around the world.
- 68% of female sex trafficking victims meet the clinical criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder.
- Around half of trafficking victims in the world are under the age of 18.
- More than 2/3 of sex trafficked children suffer additional abuse at the hands of their traffickers.
- Trafficked children are significantly more likely to develop mental health problems, abuse substances, engage in prostitution as adults, and either commit or be victimized by violent crimes later in life.
- Women who have been trafficked for the purpose of sexual exploitation experience a significantly higher rate of HIV and other STDs, tuberculosis, and permanent damage to their reproductive systems.
- There is only one shelter in the U.S. designed specifically to meet the needs of trafficking victims, and it currently only houses a total of seven to nine victims.
- Trafficking victims normally don't get help because they think that they or their families will be hurt by their traffickers, or that they will be deported.
There are many cases of human trafficking in the United States. I found a case that happened here in Rhode Island about one year ago. Two men were accused of enslaving teenage girls and forcing them to prostitution. The two men pleaded not guilty to the charges against them in the providence superior court. Both men of 23 are the first to be prosecuted after the state of Rhode Island made indoor prostitution illegal. Police say “the men came to Rhode Island from New York to take advantage of the loophole, and kept the business running even after the law changed”. Both men are facing 16 criminal counts which include involuntary servitude, human trafficking and pandering. Detectives arrested both men after receiving a lead and the confirmed that both men were advertising their “business” in the internet. One of the criminals is also being charged with one count sexual assault for the rape of a 19 year-old woman. He is being held at the adult correctional institution in Cranston. The other man made bail and was given permission to stay with his family in New York during the process of the case.
this case reminds me of the article we read about oppression. the young women that were kidnapped were seen as objects of pleasure. both men did not have cosideration for the life of the girls and did not care if they were suffering. human trafficking is an atrocity that violates every humans right.
this is the house both men used to comitt the crimes..
( in providence)
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
“abstinence-Only: Breeding ignorance” hyperlinks
In the article “abstinence-Only: Breeding ignorance”, Mary-Jane wangle argues that this type of sexual education is wrong because the information that is given to students is false. Not providing the individual with the right information. Not letting them know what kind of choices they have if they decide to become sexually active. In the article Mary says that 80 percent of abstinence only programs teach false information about reproductive health. They use wrong scientific information and religious views as facts to give the students. Mary-Jane gives examples of what kind of information is given to the students in these programs. Students are told that condoms fail to protect against HIV, in one book they tell students that touching another persons genitals could result in pregnancy. Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing, pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases. Methods such as birth control, which only protects against unwanted pregnancies, and condoms that have a 99% percent of protection do not give the security of being sexually inactive. Therefore the most secure way of staying safe is practicing Abstinence.
However this fact does not give the right to “Breed an ignorant youth”. I believe that they should teach students accurate information about sexual transmitted diseases, ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and the things they can use to protect themselves, also the responsibilities of being a parent. This way, teenagers understand that having sexual relations can jeopardize their liberty as young single adults and teaches them that if they believe to be mature enough to start having sex they should also have the same maturity to confront the responsibilities that come with it. I believe that Abstinence should remain an option for students and should be taught in accurate and scientifically proven facts. I believe that abstinence is the best protection but it shouldn’t be taught as the only way. In one of her quotes Wangle says “Abstinence- only programs try to scare and shame teens, teaching only the negative consequences of sexuality without telling young people what they can do to stay safe and healthy”. I believe that educators have committed a huge mistake of teaching students about the subject because the student can discard his or her options to protect themselves if they fall short.
Mary Jane uses California as an example, because they have decided to educate their students how to practice safe sex; Wagle states that their rates of teenage pregnancies have reduced by a forty percent over 10 years. In a study done by Columbia University they have found that 88% of students that make virginity pledges delay to have sex but lways end up having premarital sex, and they found that the rate of sexual transmitted diseases within the ledgers was no different from non-pledgers.
Mary raises a huge point in one of her quotes that state that Knowledge can be dangerous. Ignorance however can be fatal. I agree with her because having too much knowledge could be dangerous and this could be proven in every aspect of our society today. From Science to social issues this can be seen today.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
promising practises ( how this conference relate to Feminist practices 2011)
This conference relates to feminist practices in many ways. Feminist practices cover issues that affect women, men, issues of race, gender, and many other forms of oppression. This conference addressed the issues of race in education, and how it can set a barrier between teacher and student. In the youth conference the three high school students addressed that not being able to relate to their teachers lead students to misbehave, because many teachers tend to judge them instead of trying to work and understand what they are asking for. The youth representatives addressed that having nothing in common with their teachers is difficult because even if they asked for help those teachers simply wouldn’t understand. After analyzing the issue I had come down with conclusion that in order to change all these problems of oppression we must teach our children about different cultures and their struggles to prepare them to be knowledgeable of the issues that they go through. In one of the articles written by Fletcher he says “Encouraging multiracial friendships and exposing naive students to students of color can help to strengthen the knowledge base of students and decrease the incidents of race.” This also can apply to teachers, especially because they deal with students with different backgrounds
Friday, November 11, 2011
Promising Practices
The conference was a great experience from which I walked out with inspiration to change and help overcome the big animosity that is discrimination, whether it is from roles of gender or race this is a problem that hugs our society tightly and does not allow for change to occur. The conference was divided into five stages, the introduction, the workshop meeting, the expo, the youth conference, and the youth panel.
During registration I had the chance to pick form 13 workshops I would like to attend. I decided to choose a conference that would teach me something new, something out of the ordinary. I decided to attend a conference called service learning as a tool for experiential learning, with Professor Mustafa Ozcan. This workshop was mainly learning through experience, and how to make educational programs for students. Dr. Mustafa was a funny man; he was able to deliver a message of learning while having hands on experience. He allowed us to conduct group learning plans for students in elementary through high school. Putting together an experience for the students and an overall learning environment, giving a doubled sided message where the students can take in what they give out. In my group we chose Veterans of war. Our main purpose was to teach a class of high school students about the War of Vietnam and the issues that occurred after the War. We came up with a plan to allow our students to learn in the first person from Vietnam soldiers. By doing this we also taught our students the importance of giving moral support to the veterans in need. This workshop was mainly for students who are pursuing a degree in teaching and for teachers. This technique expresses difference in teaching, the traditional method of giving handouts and explaining what will be discussed was said to be forgotten after months of unused materials. But through hands on interactive with actual people and places students will keep the knowledge of the material they learned over the course of time, simply they make a connection from what they learned to a need in society.
When we were done with the workshop, we returned to Donavan dinning center for the promising partnerships expo. The expo offered volunteer opportunities for teachers, and students aspiring to become educators. The expo was a great opportunity to learn about the resources and the organizations that exist in Rhode Island. One of the organizations that were present in the expo was city year. City year is a great program that caught my attention. In this program students from different backgrounds serve as tutors, and mentors to students from the elementary level through high school. The dedicated members of city year serve in schools full time for 10 months; they help students to improve their performance in English and math, attendance, and behavior. This organization made such an impact in many of us because their dedication and their hunger to help those in need.
After the expo we had to go to gaige hall where three young adults hosted the “teen empowerment conference with Heang Ly. There message was a simple but powerful one. Letting the voice of the youth from low income communities speak instead of always being spoken to. There expression of how the message of a teacher is translated into a negative view, making these students engage in acting out instead of a positive reaction to their miss-understandings in their work. Further into ways of interactive games that would show how lack of proper communication can deter a students learning environment. The T.E. students gave an inside look on how the students who act out can be reached if different ways to address their issues. To wrap up this part of the conference the T.E. students allowed for some audience interaction, letting any Students or teachers ask questions on this matter. From my point of view the conference was an encouraging word to teachers and those students who are preparing themselves to become teachers not to feel discouraged if they are presented with the challenge of working in a low income community. This message should be taken as a guiding point on how to reach these students, and each and every one of us can make a change in someone’s life.
Going back to the dinning center there was lunch provided and a student panel. The 3 groups that presented themselves were T.E., M.P.H.T.A., and A.L.L.I.E.D. Each student gave their story of where they came from, where they are now and how they can help those students who were in their positions. All their stories were touching and reminded me of that special teacher that made a difference in my life and it brought a sense of genuine inspiration to want to reach out to another life and have this effect on them. Finally the panel ended with questions from the audience.
In conclusion I felt that I made the right choice of choosing my workshop because the whole conference had a nice flow. Everything that I learned in each stage of the conference related to each other. Giving me the message that it is not enough to say what I can do to make a difference or an impact, but taking the steps to make this happen.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
8# fletcher A. Blanchard, Andrea Ayvazian (extended comment)
Andrea speaks of Oppression and what it means to her, what she hopes for this country, and how and what are some ways of systemic oppression expressed. she says "what does seem to create real and lasting change is highly movitivated individuals....". She uses the "term oppresion to describe the cobination of prejudice plus access to social political and econmic power on the part of a dominant group." Taking this into the front lines she brings fourth a comment on fighting fire with fire. I say this and her words stating "PFLAG speakers can be heard....because they are heterosexuals speaking to other heterosexuals, they often have a significant impact." Her statement expresses how a black person telling a white person racism is wrong does not have the same impact on a white person than if a fellow white person was to tell another white person racism against black people is wrong. When people come together to say "NO", this change can spring violence in some ways. As she states "deology, or the propagation of doctrins that purport to legitimize inequality; and Violence by the dominat group against the targeted group." In Heathers page she discusses what Flecther B. tries to say,
Heather mainly speaks about Fletcher B, she breaks down three main points that he brings across in his article. Flectcher says that racism should be addressed from an early age because that is the time that children are learning how to create relationships with other children. So is very important that they learn how to socialize with children of other races, and as stated “Encouraging multiracial friendships and exposing naive students to students of color can help to strengthen the knowledge base of students and decrease the incidents of race.”
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
the masters tools will never dismantle the masters house (Audre Lorde) (argument)
this author (Lorde) argues that the master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.
Lorde uses her quote to explain the position of many feminist and advocates that fight for change. Lorde shares her experience when she agrees to take part of a conference in NYU institute for the humanities, where she commented on issues that dealt with role difference of race, sexuality, class and age. Lorde argues that is arrogant to try to examine and discuss issues about role differences if there is no input of feminist that know about the subject. in page 36 Lorde says "when the tools of racist patriarchy are used to examine the fruits of that same patriarchy? it means that only the most narrow perimeters of change are possible and allowable." from my point of view lorde tries to say that there is only a small amount of change that could be done because they voices of different race's, sexualities,class and age are not present in important meetings to bring change. her main point is that i order to bring change people in different role should come together and make policies because it allows for everyone to see issues from any angle not just from one.
Lorde uses her quote to explain the position of many feminist and advocates that fight for change. Lorde shares her experience when she agrees to take part of a conference in NYU institute for the humanities, where she commented on issues that dealt with role difference of race, sexuality, class and age. Lorde argues that is arrogant to try to examine and discuss issues about role differences if there is no input of feminist that know about the subject. in page 36 Lorde says "when the tools of racist patriarchy are used to examine the fruits of that same patriarchy? it means that only the most narrow perimeters of change are possible and allowable." from my point of view lorde tries to say that there is only a small amount of change that could be done because they voices of different race's, sexualities,class and age are not present in important meetings to bring change. her main point is that i order to bring change people in different role should come together and make policies because it allows for everyone to see issues from any angle not just from one.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
people like us ( review)
What does sociologist Lawrence Mead truly say with “if people behaved rationally, they would seldom be poor for long in the first place.” To me, Mead is not saying a bad thing although it truly sounds like a bias statement. From my point of view mead is trying to say that if poor people realized what their problem was and thought rationally about the options they had to fix them they wouldn’t be in that hard situation for too long, and although the smallest change would take time it would be like taking small steps until you reach a point that you are able to take long strides.
Tammy is middle aged woman who has lived on welfare for 18 years, she an example of someone who has tried her best to better her life and that of her children. However I feel like she conformed to her way of living. She did not try to at least keep her home clean, I believe that if Tammy would of taken a different approach to the situation; for example she could have saved a small amount of money little by little too slowly be able to buy the parts that she needed for her car to be fixed. That way she could have found a better job, and from there she could have worked her way up and out of her situation. Even though it would take some time to do so. Another reason I believe Tammy conformed to her life, is because she stated that her dad was poor and he did what he could and she is doing what she can as well. By doing and believing this she has limited herself in a way.
Her son is an example of a person in poverty who wants and is passionate to move up the social ladder. He shows this in many ways, for example he tries to keep his home clean and presentable even though it’s not an amazingly beautiful home. He tries to dress better because he feels that his poverty is not a reason for him to look bad. He is driven by his dream of someday going to college and trying to have a career that would help him out of his situation; and even though it is tough he does not give up because he knows that if keeps trying better days would come his way. He does not conform and rebels against all the odds that face him.
It must sound like I’m against these people but I’m truly not. I have the utmost respect for them because they work hard to maintain their family. I just don’t agree that people should just give up trying or just stick with their problems because they believe they cannot do anything about it. and ultimately that is what Mead is saying
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Reflection people like Us
Both websites were interesting and gave a lot of information about social class. The "people like us" site had a lot of information on your very own social awareness and where your aspects of personal preference would stand. Giving you a class through your thoughts and judgment. Getting insight on the way that i am viewed based simply on my selection is a informative outlook. When i played, they told me i was mixture of different social classes, which made me feel happy at first and than confused. The thought entered my mind that i am in a transition in my life where my choices are changing from my intake of education, which shapes my social development. The stories of the different people help to see how social class effect the actions that are made not only on oneself but decisions from your family, which believe it or not play a role in how each and every one of us make decisions in our life. The story of Reberta a African American woman who fell for her southern lover was an insight of a marriage, on both ends were not appreciated by each others family, and with this; visits to their family became less frequent and distant.
The second website i visited was center for working class studies. In this website i learned about how the rates of unemployment have raised. This is something to be concerned about, because many individuals without jobs are giving up, and as students getting ready to hit the workforce this is scary to think that many will be unemployed although they are qualified to work in areas of our study. These two websites made me wonder, we know that women are paid less than men and there likely to be second to the male applying to the same potions. This seems it would be unfair for woman who do not have a job who do not want to go on welfare yet it would seem there choices don't point them in any other direction. Which make me wonder what gender, race, and age group makes up the lower class of our society?
The second website i visited was center for working class studies. In this website i learned about how the rates of unemployment have raised. This is something to be concerned about, because many individuals without jobs are giving up, and as students getting ready to hit the workforce this is scary to think that many will be unemployed although they are qualified to work in areas of our study. These two websites made me wonder, we know that women are paid less than men and there likely to be second to the male applying to the same potions. This seems it would be unfair for woman who do not have a job who do not want to go on welfare yet it would seem there choices don't point them in any other direction. Which make me wonder what gender, race, and age group makes up the lower class of our society?
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Oral History for the Qualitative researcher
story telling has been around for thousands and thousands of years such so that it is a human condition. through history we are able to learn about past events and correct the mistakes that were once made. that is essentially what this reading is all about. it talks about the importance of history and the different ways of collecting data and how to record the events. this article also explains how interviews should run.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Privilege, Power, and difference: The Trouble We're In ( indeed)
in chapter 3 of Allan G. Johnson book he talks about privilege, power, and Difference. in the first paragraph of this chapter Johnson explains that the differences mainly exist because of privilege and power. however differences are not the problem; the real problem is that we have learned to ignore the things that do not appeal to us because we feel threaten by an idea that brings our egos down. this is a real problem because people feel uncomfortable discussing an issue regarding to race, gender,color which stops us from finding a solution.
in chapter two Johnson shares an experience he had with an African American women in which he found hard to discuss race and gender because he knew that he was part of the privilege group because he was white and male. from reading these chapters i have come down with my own conclusion why people of different races, color and gender have a hard time discussing issues. I believe that the fact that some people with certain races, gender and color have privileges over others, they feel guilty of the other persons oppression even though they have not chosen to have those privileges and perhaps that is why we all try to ignore.
in chapter two Johnson shares an experience he had with an African American women in which he found hard to discuss race and gender because he knew that he was part of the privilege group because he was white and male. from reading these chapters i have come down with my own conclusion why people of different races, color and gender have a hard time discussing issues. I believe that the fact that some people with certain races, gender and color have privileges over others, they feel guilty of the other persons oppression even though they have not chosen to have those privileges and perhaps that is why we all try to ignore.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The "F-word' what does Irina Dunn try to say?
"A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle." -- Irina Dunn
what exactly does Irina Dunn try to say with this quote?
I believe that Dunn used this awkward saying to express how ridiculous it sounds that a women is nothing without a man, she uses her quote to emphasize that the idea is ridiculous by comparing it to an analogy that does not make sense.
what exactly does Irina Dunn try to say with this quote?
I believe that Dunn used this awkward saying to express how ridiculous it sounds that a women is nothing without a man, she uses her quote to emphasize that the idea is ridiculous by comparing it to an analogy that does not make sense.
intro post
My name is Elsa; so far my semester is going well I’m taking four classes. I decide to take this class because it was an interesting choice. When I’m not in class I usually stay active and try to relax if I don’t have any school work.
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